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About My Art

When it comes to art, the possibilities are endless.  from my creativity, nothing is safe.  Everything can become a canvas, anything can become a subject and I am not afraid to try and make my vision into a reality.  And for the figures on this website, that is where it all began - a trip to the thrift store, an old ceramic cat that had seen better days, Acrylic paint and an obsession with the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Meurtos. 

In Spanish, Dia de los Meurtos translates to 'Day of the Dead'.  In Mexico, this Holiday is meant to honor deceased family members, and in November, you can see Mexican homes decked in flowers, bright colours and sugar skulls.  This day is not meant to be a sad occasion however, rather a celebration for those that have passed on.  Considering my love for finding the beauty in the unusual, it was only natural that I became so intrigued by this Holiday.

Then, one day, on what I thought was a regular visit to my local thrift store, I came upon an old ceramic figure of a cat.  sitting there, it wasn't all that attractive...but I couldn't help but stare at it.  Despite being old and dusty, it had pretty could become something.  I could give it new life - no -a new after  life.   And the rest as they say, is history. 

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